Please signing Stop Iceland's Whale Hunting 簽署請願書: “停止冰島鯨狩獵”


我剛才宣讀並簽署了請願書: “停止冰島鯨狩獵” 。





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Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the petition: "Stop Iceland's Whale Hunting".
Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 50000 signatures - please sign here:
Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.
Thank you!


Care2 subscriber since May 25, 2009 Unsubscribe  |  Forward to a Friend  |  Take Action

Dear       ,

It's a terrifying week for whales. Iceland's whaling season began on Tuesday, despite international outcry against the bloody hunt. Whalers plan to kill up to 100 minke whales this season.

Tell Iceland's Minister of Fisheries to reduce this year's whale hunt quotas immediately, and work toward a full ban on whaling in Iceland »

Clearly Iceland is sensitive to the outrage against whaling – particularly its impact on the country's tourism industry. Whaling is banned close to Reykjavik harbor, and the first whales are usually killed in a bay just outside of the capital city.

But clearly a more effective effort to protect Iceland's tourism industry and popular whale watching businesses would be to ban the brutal whaling program completely.

That is why we need your help. These majestic beauties of the ocean deserve to live in peace. Please sign the petition opposing Iceland's whaling program »

Then, help us reach our ambitious goal of sending 50,000 petition signatures to Iceland by telling 5 friends to join you. You can use our tell-a-friend tool, or simply send them a personal note with this link:

Thank you for speaking out for these peaceful giants,

Care2 Campaign Team
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